So, I decided it was time for a CPU cooler change and figured I would try one of those close loop liquid systems. After reading lots of reviews, forum posts, comparisons, and so on I elected to go with the Corsair Hydro Series H110i because it used the CoolIt water pump and had good performance reviews, even if deemed a bit noisy.
One problem though is I use a Cooler Master HAF X full tower case. This case has been fun so far, but one issue for this particular cooler (which I knew when I ordered the cooler) is that this case only has holes for mounting 120 mm radiators at the top, not 140 mm radiators. So, some light modding would be involved.
I apologize for the image quality, lighting in the room was not great and I was doing this late at night and also had to use flash on a lot of shots. Thinking about it I should have taken of the circular polarizing filter as it would have let more light in.
Corsair Hydro Series H110i box: